As part of the Catholic Church requirements, Rain and I must have our Confirmation and before we are allowed to have this, we must first attend a confirmation seminar which we did last Saturday, April 18, 2015.
Rain and I actually did not prepare anything for the seminar. We didn't spend time to read and get info about what might be discussed prior so we totally had limited information about the topic. We thought that it would be just like any other seminars we attended before where in the speaker will be the one to talk everything about the subject and apparently, we were wrong about that.
With our requirements on hand, we arrived on time for the seminar. It was held in a conference room beside the church of Mary Mediatrix of All Grace which is where our wedding ceremony will be held in Dec. There were about a total of 8 attendees including us. I was surprised that Rain and I were the only adult ones there. The rest were teenagers (ages 11-13 y/o).
After finding our respective seats, without even introducing himself, the speaker started to ask someone to lead the opening prayer. Because I was the oldest there, I did the prayer. After that, he began to ask questions, “What confirmation is, why we are there”. Rain gave an answer but it seemed that he was not satisfied so he repeated the question and said that if no one will answer, we won't move on. This provoked my inner anger and so was the person in the back who happened to be the father of one of the attendees. He stood up and bravely told the speaker that he’s doing it the wrong way. He told him that the attendees went to the seminar to learn and not to be questioned upon. I bowed my head in agreement but what was irritating was that the speaker answered him back in a defensive and domineering manner, like he knew what he was doing and all. So the man asked for his name (which the speaker gave) and took his daughter away. Before leaving, he told him that he will speak to the priest for that but the speaker did not seem to care at all.
We spent the rest of the day listening to him and trying our best to give him the answers to his questions. I decided not to differ with his ways anymore and just go with it because we had to. We needed the confirmation cards to be able to attend the actual confirmation on May 9. To suit myself, I just ignored the annoyance I felt, tried to internalize and ask questions, make comments, and laugh to his jokes. Before we knew it, 2 hours had passed and the seminar was over. I offered to make the closing prayer after which our confirmation cards were distributed to us.
We were thankful that the seminar has ended and we are now halfway to getting our confirmation. Although, it felt like a bit of old school, I’m still thankful for all that I have learned and re-learned. So for those people who will be attending the confirmation seminar, and if you will have it in the same church like ours, I suggest doing your homework first, research on the topic so that you get to give the correct answers which in turn will help cut out the time spent in the seminar.
More church requirements for us to fulfill! Whew!